Highlights of Initiatives

Climate Change and Nature-Related Issues

Reduce Financed Emissions

The Norinchukin Bank is committed to Net Zero by 2050, establishing GHG reduction goals for our investment and loan portfolio.
We established targets for our loan portfolio in fiscal 2023 in the oil and gas, coal, and steel sectors, in addition to setting targets for the electricity sector in (disclosed in March 2023).
We strive to strengthen our financing and other solutions while engaging with our investees and borrowers.

Sector and Asset Class Base Year FY2019 Recent Results (FY2021) FY2030 Targets
Lending 【Power】 213gCO2e/kWh 209gCO2e/kWh FY2030
【Oil and Gas】Scope1・2 8.9gCO2e/MJ 14.5gCO2e/MJ FY2030
【Oil and Gas】Scope3 0.51MtCO2e 0.2MtCO2e FY2030
Vs. FY2019 -27.3%
【Coal】 Response and engagement based on Policy on Environmental and Social Considerations in Financing and Investment Activities
【Steel】 1.99tCO2e/t 2.06tCO2e/t FY2030
1.54tCO2e/t -1.73tCO2e/t
Investment 【Stocks and Bonds】 0.66tCO2e/million yen 0.54tCO2e/million yen
Vs. FY2019 -18%
Vs. FY2019 -49%

Secure the amount of the forest carbon sink, together with JForest members

We work together with JForest members to ensure measures such as appropriate forest maintenance to secure the amount of the forest carbon sink.

Reduce GHG Emissions by the Bank Itself

The Bank reduces GHG emissions by encouraging energy conservation and introducing renewable energy.

Efforts to be Nature Positive

The Bank conducts trial analyses of our dependencies and impacts on nature, including within the value chains of our investees and borrowers, to understand the nature-related risks and opportunities in our portfolios.
We collaborate with external companies and participate initiatives to strengthen our ability to provide investees and borrowers with solutions to be nature positive.

We are committed to integrated disclosures on addressing climate and nature-related issues based on the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and the Task Force on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD).

Increase the Income of Farmers, Fishermen, and Foresters

We provide consultations for those in coaperation with JA Bank and offer support in establishing food and agricultural value chains through investment and loan.

Number of Consultations Provided by JA Bank

FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
186 301 306

Execute New Sustainable Finance

The Norinchukin Bank executed sustainable finance to help resolve environmental and social issues.
We also focus on measuring and managing how our financing and other business activities impact the environmental and societies.

Respect for Human Rights

The Bank held dialogues with external experts and other parties related to regarding modern slavery (forced or child labor), which we identified as a material issue based on our human rights impact assessments (human rights due diligence), in the high-risk sectors (agriculture, construction, food manufacturing) for the human rights of foreign employees. We will take these factors into account when considering specific measures going forward.

Ratio of Female Managers

To promote diversity and inclusion in the Bank, we work to encourage female employee activity and growth as well as foster awareness among executives and employees.
