The Basic Mission of The Norinchukin Bank

The Norinchuin Bank

As the national-level financial institution for agricultural, fishery and forestry cooperatives in Japan, The Norinchukin Bank plays a major role in Japanese society as a contributor to the development of the nation's economy and as a supporter of the advancement of the agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries with facilitated finance for its members including Japan Agricultural Cooperatives (JA), Japan Fishery Cooperatives (JF) and Japan Forest owners’ Cooperatives (JForest).

With the stable funding base provided by capital from JA, JF, and JForest, as well as JA Bank and JF Marine Bank deposits from their individual members and customers, the Bank, to achieve its mission, lends funds to members, agricultural, fishery and forestry workers, and companies related to the agricultural, fisheries and forestry industries. The Bank also conducts various lending and investment activities in Japan and abroad, efficiently manages funds and stably returns profits to its members.


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