Code of Ethics

1.Fundamental Mission and Social Responsibility

We are always aware of the importance of our fundamental mission and social responsibilities, and commit to forging even stronger bonds of societal confidence by fulfilling the mission and responsibilities through sound business operations.

2.Offering High-Quality Services

We meet the need of customers by offering customer-oriented services, and fulfil a role as a national-level institution engaged in cooperative banking business and contribute to economic and social development through offering high-quality services which are supported by enhancements in security levels to prepare for natural disaster and for cyberattack which threaten the civil life and corporate activities, and by ensuring business continuity at the time of disaster.

3.Strict Compliance with Laws and Regulations

We comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and conduct business operations in an honest and fair manner in response to society's expectation and trust.

4.Severing Anti-Social Forces and Combating the Threat of Terrorism

We have a zero-tolerance policy against anti-social forces which threaten the safety and order of civil society, and thoroughly sever any relations with them. We endeavor to enhance measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism, recognising the current heightened risks of international society being under threat of terrorism, etc.

5.Building Highly Transparent Organizational Culture

We build a highly transparent organizational culture by respecting employee’s individuality and by ensuring pleasant working environment considering employee’s health and safety, while endeavoring to enhance communication and maintain satisfactory relationships with society, including proactively and fairly disclosing business information.

6.Contribution to Sustainable Society

We, as members of society, work closely with local communities, to support them with respect to the human rights of each person and with social issues such as an environmental issue, and we seek to contribute to the realization of sustainable society.
